
Over the 4 decades I have been writing music, there has also been issues that has concerned me regarding our social and collective movements as a part of been a human. What ever that means?
Show humanity, is a word announced by the human kind, while the same kind has a habbid to show the opposite instead. To get confused in these terminologies, where the true observations doesn’t seem to be what is any goal, is of course not any mysterious outcome. It is what the true observer would call healthy and clear communication.
So if anyone’s intentions are to be truthful, you can really be amazed what passes by our so called intellect and logical mind. It though seems to appear quite “normal” to forget that there are also a heart pounding somewhere in our humanly body. That special energy field is from the core not disturbed by the illusionary mind set, but seems to be distracted from its origin along with distractions that culture ideology is providing.
From experiencing again and again how culture are shrinking our purity and love aspects, with first make us all victims of circumstances, there comes a point where true reflections are at time to be shared. This columns are part of my sharing. To be as honest and truthful as possible, and in hope that the human kind will live up to it’s own selfi.. and start to BE kind and loving.